French language education is centered not only on academic success, but also on the personal and social development of each student. Our Francophone schools focus on helping students build their identity, on helping them recognize themselves as francophone. The overall development of the Fransaskois student is one through which an affirmation of his identity, his attachment to the language and commitment to culture occur.
In order to construct a strong francophone identity and a sense of belonging in relation to the language and culture, Fransaskois youths are exposed to cultural and sports activities that are engaging and meaningful. Each year, in addition to all the activities taking place locally whithin individual school communities, the CÉF offers young people additional enriching experiences at regional and provincial levels.
Here is a partial list of some of the provincial organisations that we collaborate with:
- Association des juristes d'expression française de la Saskatchewan
- Association des parents fransaskois
- Conseil culturel fransaskois
- Association jeunesse fransaskoise
- Collège Mathieu
- Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan
- Coopérative des publications fransaskoises
- Communauté des Africains Francophones de la Saskatchewan
- Fédération provinciale des fransaskoises
- Vitalité 55 ans et plus (anciennement la FAF)
- Fondation fransaskoise
- Les Éditions de la nouvelle plume
- Réseau en immigration francophone de la Saskatchewan
- Réseau Santé en Français de la Saskatchewan (RSFS)
- Société historique de la Saskatchewan
- Troupe du jour