Conseil des écoles fransaskoises

  • CEF-Inside-pages


Politiques et procédures

Les politiques du CSF sont les principes qui doivent être respectés par les membres du CSF lors de toute action ou prise de décision.

Pour plus de détails, consulter le manuel des politiques du Conseil scolaire fransaskois.

Planification stratégique

L'année 2016 constituait un tournant dans l'évolution du Conseil des écoles fransaskoises sur le plan stratégique. Suite au bilan du chemin parcouru avec la planification stratégique Destination 2015 et à des consultations auprès des élèves, parents, enseignants et des membres de la communauté, un nouveau plan quinquennal vers 2021 a été développé.

Ce nouveau plan stratégique, le Passeport fransaskois, a été adopté en juin 2016. L’un des buts de ce plan est de guider la mise en place d’objectifs favorisant la réussite de l’élève.

En plus d’avoir permis d’actualiser la vision, la mission et les valeurs du CÉF, ce plan met en lumière neuf (9) enjeux auxquels il répond par trois (3) grandes orientations stratégiques et un plan opérationnel pour chacun des résultats attendus.

Comités du CSF

Porte-paroles du CSF 

  • Geneviève Binette, Présidente du CSF

Comité stratégique

  • Conseiller Roger Gauthier
  • Conseillère Maria Lepage
  • Conseillère Élizabeth Perreault
  • Conseillère Oumnia Tahiri

Comité des finances et de vérification

  • Conseiller Roger Gauthier
  • Conseillère Élizabeth Perreault
  • Conseiller Nathan Poirier
  • Conseillère Oumnia Tahiri

Comité disciplinaire

  • Conseillère Rosemarie Gelsinger
  • Conseiller Michel Lepage
  • Conseiller Guy Roberge

Comité de gouvernance et des politiques

  • Conseillère Monica Ferré
  • Conseiller Roger Gauthier
  • Conseillère Élizabeth Perreault
  • Conseiller Guy Roberge

Comité de reconnaissance

  • Conseillère Geneviève Binette
  • Conseillère Maria Lepage

Comité de développement d'un d'un plan d'accueil, de formation et d'intégration des nouveaux conseillers scolaires

  • Conseillère Geneviève Binette
  • Conseillère Monica Ferré
  • Conseiller Roger Gauthier

Comité des ressources humaines

  • Conseillère Monica Ferré
  • Conseillère Maria Lepage
  • Conseillère Rosemarie Gelsinger

Représentant du CSF auprès de la Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA)   

  • Conseillère Elizabeth Perreault

Représentant du CSF auprès de la Fédération nationale des conseillers et conseillères scolaires francophones (FNCSF) 

  • Conseiller Roger Gauthier
  • Conseillère Geneviève Binette (remplaçante)

Table des élus (ACF)

  • Conseillère Geneviève Binette

Comité consultatif de la Cité universitaire francophone de Regina

  • Conseillère Rosemarie Gelsinger

2024-2025 Budget

You may download below the Ministry of Education's letter containing the approved 2024-2025 budget of the Conseil des Écoles Fransaskoises:

Policies & Procedures

The policies of the CSF are guiding principles which must be followed by CSF trustees in all matters of action or decision-making.

For more information, please consult : pdfManuel des politiques du CSF - 22 mars 2024


Le 26 septembre 2006, le Conseil scolaire fransaskois abrogeait ses règlements administratifs pour les remplacer par un manuel de politiques de gouvernance.

En vertu de la Loi de 1995 sur l'éducation, le CSF adopte des procédures administratives répondant aux opérations du Conseil des écoles fransaskoises. Celles-ci sont rédigées et adoptées par le CSF dans le cadre de ses réunions régulières.

Procédures administratives disponibles

Pour télécharger une copie d’une procédure adoptée, cliquez sur la procédure en question. Pour plus de renseignements sur les sujets non traités par les procédures administratives en vigueur, communiquez avec le siège social du CÉF.

Section 1 - Le Conseil scolaire

Section 2

Section 3 - Administration centrale

Section 4 - Administration scolaire

Section 5 - Ressources humaines

Section 6 - Instruction et programmes

Section 7 - Affaires financières

Section 8 - Services de transport

Section 9 - Édifices et installations

Protocoles du gouvernement provincial

Strategic planning

The year 2016 was a turning point for the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises at a strategic level. A new 5-year plan looking to the year 2021 was conceived. Following consultations with community stakeholders, parents, students and staff, the new plan lay the signposts for the road ahead. 

In addition to updating the CÉF's vision, mission and values, this plan highlights nine (9) challenges which it addresses with three (3) major strategic directions and an operational plan for each of the expected outcomes.


  • Learning, language quality and identity construction
  • Communication and community relations
  • Organizational vitality and leadership
  • Equity of services between regions of Saskatchewan
  • Student recruitment, retention
  • Availability of early childhood services
  • Diverse educational programs
  • Quality and use of technology
  • Addressing diversity


  1. Préparer les élèves à la réussite éducative en français, notamment en littératie et en numératie, selon différents cheminements proposés par le CÉF ainsi que par l’intégration des services de la petite enfance à une francisation plus efficace.
  2. Développer des partenariats avec les parents et la communauté en redynamisant le conseil des écoles et en permettant aux élèves de vivre la francophonie via diverses collaborations, tant au niveau scolaire que culturel, avec les organismes de la communauté.
  3. Développer une culture d’excellence à tous les niveaux en assurant une saine gestion financière, en arrimant le financement du système scolaire aux besoins des écoles fransaskoises, en assurant la qualité de la langue française chez le personnel, la bonne formation des élus, le développement et la rétention du personnel ainsi que le recrutement et la fidélisation des élèves.

Here is the operational plan for each of the orientations (available in French only).

pdfPréparer les élèves à la réussite éducative en français

pdfDévelopper des partenariats avec les parents et la communauté

pdfDévelopper une culture d’excellence à tous les niveaux

CÉF ensures the success of all students through a results-oriented pedagogical shift by integrating technology, differentiated pedagogy, project-based learning, Choice Theory, cooperative learning, class meetings, full programming which integrates vocational guidance (school-orientation, preparation for positions which are not yet in existence as we look to the future).

Annual Reports

Annual Reports

Please click below to download the latest edition of our annual report :

Annual Report
23 24 rapport annuel pdfRapport annuel 2023-2024 du Conseil des écoles fransaskoises
page rapport annuel céf image pdfRapport annuel 2022-2023 du Conseil des écoles fransaskoises
21 22 rapport cef image page 01 pdfRapport annuel 2021-2022 du Conseil des écoles fransaskoises
rapport annuel jpeg
rapport annuel 2019 2020 web
couverture rapport annuel 2018 2019
20180112 couverture rapport annuel 2016 17 web
15 16 rapport annuel adj
20160120 rapport annuel 2014 2015
 20150127 Rapport annuel 2013 2014 small
RA 2012 13 thumbnail
CEF RA 2011 2012 couv web
RA 2010 2011 couv
CEF RA 2009 10 couv
RA 2008 09 pagecouv web
RA icone08

CÉF International Studies

20230302 884391508 e1644845780703A proven program recognized by Canadian authorities, preparing students for post-secondary studies in Canada in French or English. Rigorous supervision in an inclusive, welcoming and safe environment.

The adventure in 5 steps

  1. The adventure begins with an exceptional welcome experience.
  2. The learning follows as the student becomes familiar with his school environment and the opportunities that arise.
  3. The acquisition of skills highlights the academic progress of the student who fully integrates into his school community.
  4. The student acquires his autonomy as a learner, thereby validating his academic and professional intentions.
  5. Graduation is the stepping stone to post-secondary education.

pdfDownload the brochure

Visit the website to find out more or to register!

Student Services for Francophone and Intercultural Families

The Conseil des Écoles Fransaskoises sees to the needs of all students with the help of its Student Services division. Student Services provides speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychological, special education, counseling and guidance counseling for Saskatchewan's francophone school division.

The Student Services division is also responsible for the administration of psycho-educational evaluations of the Fransaskois students as needed. It provides support to the teaching staff in adapting the curriculum to cater to the special needs of both at-risk and gifted students.

For more information, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special Needs and Mental Health

Since 2 to 20% of children, no matter their first language, have learning disabilities, it is essential to be able to offer a first-language education that will be adapted to their needs. A team of specialists from a variety of disciplines is therefore in place to offer highly specialized services to Fransaskois students with learning difficulties as well as gifted students.

These specialists, in collaboration with teachers, identify and assess students who may be gifted or at risk in order to provide an education program tailored to their needs.

Following the evaluation of a student and upon recommendation by the CÉF's Student Services department, the CÉF may assign a special education teacher aide to answer to a specific need or to assist a specific student. The special education teacher aide assists the teacher with lessons and learning activities for the student(s) as well as with supervision.


The CÉF's team of counselors works mainly with students to help them with their personal, academic, moral and social development, which often brings them to collaborate regularly as well with parents and school staff. Student Services team members work in integrated mode. Their goal is to provide an intervention and prevention service which will foster the students' well-being.

Career Guidance

Trained guidance counselors offer workshops and provide support to students by guiding them in choosing courses that will allow them to realize their postsecondary education and career goals. Whether providing assistance in identifying the necessary prerequisites for university or college admission, available bursaries, or the skills and qualities sought for integration into a career of their choice, students will find themselves are well equipped to make appropriate choices.

Integrated Services

These services are offered by the provincial government to Saskatchewan families, particularly in the health, social services, justice and education sectors. Services, such as counseling which focuses on improving basic parental abilities, or the sharing of information to decrease drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse by students, are readily accessible to the province's schools. Since 1998, the CÉF and its partners (Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise, Association des parents fransaskois) have been working out plans to ensure the provision of Integrated Services in French for Fransaskois schools. A model for the provision of services has been developed and will require a considerable financial contribution from appropriate government departments in order to be made accessible to Fransaskois families.

Shared Services

Some rural school divisions in Saskatchewan do not have the capacity to provide the comprehensive range of services and supports required in a diversified student environment. The Shared Services Program was implemented to strengthen the capacity of these rural school divisions. The intent is to lend support to students and teachers by providing the organizational structure and funding recognition for boards of education to enter into agreements with other boards and human service providers to deliver specialized services, including:

  • assessment, educational diagnosis, educational programming and consultation for students living in vulnerable circumstances and students with exceptional needs,
  • speech, language, communication and early literacy development,
  • core curriculum actualization, and
  • additional supports to address locally-determined needs.
  • Distance Education and the Learning Technology Unit

All of the CÉF schools have access to the distance education program. The model consists of several methods of delivery such as videoconferencing and the use of multimedia on an Internet-based platform. Specialized videoconferencing equipment allows for the transmission of voice, text and graphics, as well as the transmission of fixed or animated images of the participants. Distance education teachers also visit their students on a regular basis. Through this multimodal approach, the CÉF can offer quality distance education to all of its students, whether they live in a rural or urban region. This does not mean replacing traditional learning methods, but rather adding to the available resources. This technology also allows each student the opportunity to exchange ideas, defend their point of view, develop friendships around the province, and reach several goals relating to the integration of technologies.

Distance teaching requires additional preparation time, and therefore, the need for more effort on the part of the teacher. Hence the need for teachers to have access to training and a considerable support network. The distance education staff is also involved in the Learning Technology Unit overseen by the Ministry of Education. This program is aimed at developing resources to be made available over the Internet to Saskatchewan teachers, students and parents.

French Language Acquisition

French Language Acquisition in Preschool

Fransaskois pre-kindergarten harnesses resources that facilitate French language acquisition. The "Paul et Suzanne" program is one such tool which has proved particularly effective in the francization process for families where one of the parents is an English-speaker. Tools like this help early childhood educators and parents overcome some of the challenges in acquiring sufficient French proficiency to be able to funtion in a Francophone learning environment.

The program has two components: the "child" and "parent" sections, which together aim to equip the Anglophone parent, so he or she can accompany their child through school.

French Language Acquisition in the School Environment

Some students newly enrolled in Fransaskois education may simply never have been exposed to French, or have not had the opportunity to develop language skills in French.

To support them in their learning, the CÉF has established an in-house French language acquisition program which will help students acquire quickly the vocabulary and language skills they need to succeed in school. The program adapts to students' needs at every level.

Thanks to this approach, it is not necessary for student to be able to speak French prior to being enrolled in Francophone education schools.

English Language Acquisition in French Schools

French-language schools follow the same English curriculum as that offered in English schools .

Students begin the English course " English Language Arts " from Grade 4 onward.

It is worth noting that by Grade 7, the average learning outcomes of CÉF students exceed the average results of the majority in English reading comprehension according to tests administered by the Ministry of Education.

Additional Assistance in English Language Acquisition

Sometimes students come to us from places where they have not had the opportunity to acquire proficiency in English. In some schools, support services are in place to support your children, as needed, in their acquisition of English language skills.

Virtual & Distance Learning

Distance education in the 21st century

Today’s students are immersed in a world of digital technology. Experts at using a mouse since early childhood, they can quickly find all the information they are looking for on the Internet with just a few clicks of a button. The use of social media, SMS and blogs are, amongst others, an integral part of their daily life.

In a conscious effort to answer to the needs of 21st century students, the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (CÉF) is reviewing its teaching methods and learning models. At the CÉF, students have access to mobile computers to facilitate research and quick access to educational resources. In addition to this, distance education has become a favoured approach to allow students to:

  • have equal access to learning, everywhere, for all students at all times,
  • have access to specialized teachers in the subject of study,
  • have an alternate way of learning while reaching targeted learning results,
  • develop essential skills for the 21st century and relating to employability:
    • time management and priority management,
    • use of information and communication technologies,
    • information management,
    • distance communication and collaboration;
    • critical thinking skills.

Thanks to a Student Portal developed by the CÉF, students taking distance education courses have access to course notes, homework assignments, discussion boards and chat to interact amongst themselves and with the teachers.

For more information on distance education at the CÉF, contact us at 1-877-273-6661.

View the full course catalogue (available in French only) 

French Language Secondary (High) School Education in Saskatchewan

First and foremost, the CÉF respects the education goals and follows the provincial curriculum as set out by Saskatchewan's Ministry of Education.

What's different about CÉF secondary schools?

  • In Fransaskois schools, all subjects are taught in French, with the exception of English Language Arts.
  • 100% Francophone school environment. Remember that a first-language French education means a higher, more sustainable level of bilingualism.
  • A personal approach, centered on the student's well-being and academic success.
  • Students are first introduced to English Language Arts in Grade 4, and continue taking this course through to Grade 12. The course is the same as the one offered in Saskatchewan's English-language public and separate school systems.
  • Certain courses are lightly modified, with the Ministry of Education's approval, to respect the distinct nature of the Fransaskois schools.
  • Although the CÉF is a public school system, parents can choose to enroll their children in either a general ethics or christian ethics course.
  • A wide variety of social and cultural activities to complement their learning and to develop a sense of belonging to the school and the community. On top of this, educational and sociocultural activities such as CÉFOU (which gathers all the Francophone high school students in the province in one place for two action-packed days) allow students to network and build lasting friendships with their peers from across the province. The CÉF is often referred to as one big family!
  • Sports! All students get a chance to play! CÉF students play competitive sports between Fransaskois schools as well as with the Saskatchewan High School Athletics Association (SHSAA). Even in smaller schools where numbers may not be sufficient to form a team in a particular sport, agreements are often made with nearby teams so that students can still pursue a first-language French education while taking part in the sport of their choice.

What about the core curriculum and course options?

  • Students have the possibility of obtaining up to 36 credit units (CU) upon graduation, for example:
    • LANGUAGES: Fransaskois French (5 CU), English Language Arts (5 CU) and Spanish (3 CU).
    • MATH (7 CU)
    • SCIENCE (7 CU)
  • as well as career education, Pratical and Applied Arts, and many other electives* (Psychology, Journalism, Law, etc.).
  • Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) programs are offered, including: Mechanics, Wood Sculpture, Esthetics, Robotics, Drama, Music, Photography, Culinary Arts, Sewing/Fashion Design, Outdoor Recreation, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Financial Management, Information Technology and more*.

*Contact your local school principal for a comprehensive list of the courses offered in your school.

French Language Elementary School Education in Saskatchewan

The CÉF respects the education goals and follows the provincial curriculum as set out by Saskatchewan's Ministry of Education.

  • In Fransaskois schools, all subjects are taught in French, with the exception of English Language Arts.
  • Students are first introduced to English Language Arts in Grade 4, and continue through to Grade 12. The course is the same as the one offered in Saskatchewan's English-language public and separate school systems. The late introduction is to allow a solid base of learning in French and has proven to be an effective way to learn both languages. According to provincial assessments in English Reading administered by the Ministry of Education, Grade 7 CÉF students achieve better results on average than do the province's students as a whole.
  • Certain courses, are lightly modified, with the Ministry of Education's approval, to respect the distinct nature of the Fransaskois schools.
  • Although the CÉF is a public school system, parents can choose to enroll their children in either a general ethics or christian ethics course.
  • Students participate in a wide variety of social and cultural activities to complement their learning.

Your local school principal would be very pleased to answer your questions regarding the first-language French elementary school program.

Preschool & Kindergarten

French Language Preschool & Kindergarten in Saskatchewan

In Saskatchewan, education is mandatory starting at age 6. However, research confirms that each experience a child encounters before age 6 has a direct impact on his or her learning and academic success.

To offer each child the best opportunity to succeed at school and in life, the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (CÉF) has developed a series of programs and services with the purpose of introducing children to positive and continuing experiences beginning in early childhood.

A Francophone service for 3 year-olds

Early childhood educational centres located in most CÉF schools offer daycare services on-site. These programs support children’s overall development and allow little ones to thrive in a healthy and safe environment in French. Most centres offer also a before- and after- school program for school-aged children.

When viable, a pre-kindergarten program is offered in 4 CÉF schools. These schools include École Notre-Dame-des-Vertus (Zenon Park), École Beau Soleil (Gravelbourg). École Boréale (Ponteix) and École de Bellegarde (Bellegarde).

For more information, please contact the early childhood educational centre or CÉF school in your community.

The following programs are offered at an affordable cost to rightholders. Click here to find out if you qualify!

Pre-Kindergarten program for 4 year-olds

All CÉF schools offer this program, that allows children aged 4 to have a positive experience with school. Through fun activities, children familiarize themselves with their new school environment, socialize with other children and discover the joys of learning through play, and this, all in French.

For preschool, a billing of $150 per month. This billing applies to all children attending preschool full-time or part-time.

Why choose the Fransaskois preschool program?

  • To experience and uphold your child's Francophone culture
  • To ensure a solid learning base in French
  • To ensure a smooth transition into French Kindergarten and the Francophone school system
  • What will my child do in preschool?

Play and sing while learning French and building a vocabulary

  • Drama, arts and crafts
  • Begin to experience math, writing and reading skills in a fun way
  • Activities that develop independence and self-esteem
  • Participate in a variety of educational programs
  • Transtion to full-time Kindergarten program


This program is offered full-time five days a week to children aged 5 years. Children are introduced to reading, writing and mathematics.

Full-time kindergarten is billed at $150 per month.

Part-time kindergarten remains free, as it is 50% provincially funded.

Despite being an optional program, the majority of parents choose to send their children to Kindergarten to help prepare them for a smooth transition to grade one in a first-language French school.

Por more information on early childhood programs, please contact your local Fransaskois school or dial 1-877-273-6661.

Early childhood Education in French with Francophones

Daycares in a French language educational setting

Early childhood services are offered in an educational setting at the CÉF, in partnership with francophone early childhood education centres. These provide a curriculum that supports the children’s overall development (physical, social, cognitive, emotional and linguistic). Children under the age of 3 thrive in a healthy and safe environment in French.

There are several CÉF schools that have daycare services available onsite which offer this specialized early childhood program. Most schools also offer a before and after school program for school-aged children.

For more information, contact your local early childhood centre :

Centre éducatif Félix le chat

1407 Albert Avenue, Saskatoon (SK) S7H 2C6
Phone: (306) 653-8535 or (306) 653-8538 - Fax: (306) 653-8496
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Centre éducatif Gard’amis

1601 Cowen Crescent, Regina (SK) S4S 4C4
Phone: (306) 525-9448 - Fax: (306) 585-1600 
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Centre éducatif Les étoiles filantes

110 Railway Avenue, PO Box 697 Ponteix (SK) S0N 1Z0
Phone: (306) 625-3766 - Fax: (306) 625-3869
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Centre éducatif Pomme d’api

340 Ominica Street West, Moose Jaw (SK) S6H 1X5
Phone: (306) 691-0307
Fax: (306) 691-5908
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Centre éducatif Le Tournesol

30, 1stAvenue East
PO Box 964 Gravelbourg (SK) S0H 1X0
Phone: (306) 648-3121
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Centre éducatif Les Petits pingouins

1881- 99th Avenue, North Battleford (SK) S9A 0R9
Phone: (306) 445-4010
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Centre éducatif Providence La petite jungle

C.P. 235, Vonda (SK) S0K 4N0
Tél. : (306) 258-2181
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Centre éducatif Trésors du monde

449,10e Rue Est, Prince Albert (SK) S6V 0Z5
Tél. : (306) 922-2378
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Identity Building

French language education is centered not only on academic success, but also on the personal and social development of each student. Our Francophone schools focus on helping students build their identity, on helping them recognize themselves as francophone. The overall development of the Fransaskois student is one through which an affirmation of his identity, his attachment to the language and commitment to culture occur.

In order to construct a strong francophone identity and a sense of belonging in relation to the language and culture, Fransaskois youths are exposed to cultural and sports activities that are engaging and meaningful. Each year, in addition to all the activities taking place locally whithin individual school communities, the CÉF offers young people additional enriching experiences at regional and provincial levels.

Here is a partial list of some of the provincial organisations that we collaborate with:


Media Authorization Form

This form authorizes the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (CÉF) to publish photographs and video images of students in the media, websites and on social media properties of the CÉF. These images will be used only as part of a Francophone education promotion activities in Saskatchewan.

Application for financial assistance - Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten services

This form is used to report an exceptional financial situation that requires financial assistance. A completed, this document will be considered confidential. 

Immersion or French Language School?

What's the difference?

In Saskatchewan, the provincial government funds three school systems: the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (CÉF), and the English public and English Catholic school systems. The CÉF is different as it offers a 100% Francophone learning environment.

French-language schools are more than just a learning environment where French is the language of communication. The schools of the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises are dynamic communities that are proud of the wealth and cultural diversity of their French-language heritage. These schools encourage students to reach their full potential – academically, culturally and socially. It becomes a way of life to use French.

What's the difference between Core French, Immersion French, and Francophone French?

Core French is a course offered by English-language school divisions for individuals who wish to learn basic French skills.

French Immersion is a program offered by English-language school divisions for individuals who wish to learn French as a second language. The administration, all communications to parents and the general daily routine of the school take place in English.

Francophone education is a French-language program offered entirely in French, with the exception of the English Language Arts course offered beginning in Grade 4. In a CÉF school, French is used as a daily learning and communication tool in every facet of life. All correspondence, report cards, parent teacher interviews, committee and meetings of the local board of trustees are in French.

While students live their French culture every day in a Francophone Fransaskois school, they graduate with a high level of bilingualism which will open doors to postsecondary education or a career in the language of their choice. When they obtain their diploma, graduates are well prepared, as responsible, bilingual and accomplished citizens, to follow their dreams in either official langage, or both!

Remember: Students who attend French-language schools demonstrate a much more effective and sustainable bilingualism.

At CÉF schools:

  • All subjects are taught in French, except for English Language Arts classes, from pre-kindergarten to grade 12.
  • The English Language Arts courses are the same as those taught in English schools across the province.
  • The daily routine of the school is in French.
  • The environment we create allows students to live, have fun and learn in French and within the Francophone culture.

Children’s attitudes and values are generally a reflection of the environment surrounding them. That can mean their family members, their friends and other people they encounter at school. At the CÉF, we emphasize the importance of the many facets of French language and culture, and the pleasure that they bring, so that students can appreciate living in a French environment on a daily basis. In the end, students realize that speaking French is a natural thing to do.